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Personalize Your Eggs!

Designed and manufactured in Europe, our Egg Stamp is an incredibly fast, easy and inexpensive way to customize eggs. Put your name, logo or other information on a dozen eggs in seconds!

Fast Stamping

With a built-in ink cartridge.

No need for a separate ink pad, saving time and money. Simply press the stamp each egg up to 7,000 eggs per hour! The first ink filling lasts for approximately 30,000 imprints. After that you can easily refill the stamp for another 20,000 stamp imprints per refill.

Clean Stamping

With a sharp imprint.

The stamp produces a sharp, high-quality imprint that dries immediately, is food safe and boil-proof. Because the ink pad is built it, the process is very clean - no more ink-smudged hands!

Safe Stamping

With a flexible text plate.

No more broken eggs during marking!
The flexible text plate adapts to any shape.
No need to touch the egg or take it out of its package. The egg stamp barely touches the egg - making the whole process easy and fast. Food-safe, boil-proof ink

Why the Custom Egg Stamp?

  • Custom stamps with your name and logo, or choose from our library of stock designs
  • Selling eggs at the Farmer’s Market? Stamp your eggs. Customers will remember you!
  • Stamp your backyard chicken eggs – Surprise your neighbors and friends!
  • Built-in ink pad
  • Up to 30,000 imprints per stamp, then 20,000 imprints with each refill
  • Food-safe, boil-proof ink
  • Perfect imprint without touching the egg
  • Choice of red, green or black ink

Order Your Egg Stamp! 

Red, green or black, pre-inked, for up to 30,000 imprints
$39.90 stock design
$49.90 your text
$59.90 your logo or artwork


4813 Auburn Blvd, Suite B
Sacramento, CA 95841

"The stamp we purchased is excellent. The soft sponge molds perfectly to the egg leaving a clear image, and is amazingly quick and easy to use. No mechanics to worry about and not much storage space required either. For such a small investment we have our eggs personalized, which our customers enjoy and it gives us excellent traceability."
Rae Young, Ross Eggs

"Every day I mark about 1,000 eggs. Your stamp reduced my work to half an hour."
Anton Steinert


"I am a one-person operation producing around 80 dozen eggs a week. New regulations have come in and now I have to stamp individual eggs. Since receiving the egg stamp I have made a game of seeing how fast I can stamp a dozen eggs. So far my record is 4 seconds. The extra time it takes to stamp eggs and the cost of the stamp is so small that my costs have not gone up really at all."
Greg Horgan, Batti Farm